Monday, January 24, 2011

Younger Next Year

     We're a few weeks into the new year. Many of us made New Year's resolutions, and many of us have broken those resolutions by now. It seems like the perfect time for me to recommend a book that encourages people to live healthier lives - not just for now, but for the rest of their lives. The authors' target audience is men and women who are approaching middle age (like myself!), but the advice is applicable to people of all ages.

     Co-written by a doctor and one of his patients, this book explains the physical and mental changes we all go through as we age, and provides advice on how you can enhance your quality of life as these changes occur. The authors' goal is to help readers get and stay healthy so that they can enjoy long, active lives while also delaying the onset of age-related diseases.

     I have seen this book make a different in the lives of members of my own family. If you're looking to get healthier, regardless of your age, I think this book is well worth checking out.

Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D.

Check it out on Amazon - the version for men is here, and the version for women is here.

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