Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Words - "Ooh, Ooh, Jerry's"

       When I began working at McShea over 24 years ago, I always went to the Jerry’s Subs and Pizza across the street from our office. A guy named Bill was the owner, and he would always greet me and make me feel at home. His staff, led by Jenn at the cash register, greeted everyone with warm smiles and friendly voices. McShea was just starting to get off the ground at this point, and we were all working extremely hard to find new business. I always looked forward to my trips to Jerry’s (and my favorite 6” tuna salad sub) because it offered me a respite from long hours of cold calling prospective clients.

       When things really started taking off at McShea, I stopped eating at Jerry’s as often. I spent more time eating at fancier restaurants, celebrating successful deals with my clients and my coworkers. It didn’t help that McShea moved our corporate headquarters to a nicer building on the other side of town.

       Fast forward quite a few years to 2009: the economy had tanked and it seemed like the good times had ended and might never come back. Struggling to drum up business in the midst of a terrible recession, I was reminded of the old days. One day I wandered back over to the Jerry’s where I had eaten so often. I was shocked to walk in and see Bill and Jenn behind the counter, and many of the other staff members from all those years ago. It felt like I had stepped backwards in time. I visited with them while I ate and learned that Bill had put two kids through college and had an 18-year-old who was a heck of a basketball player at a local high school.

       I left feeling grateful and refreshed. I had a feeling that Jerry’s might bring me good luck during the tough times, as it had all those years ago. Hey, I’m superstitious. I was a football coach; it’s in the job description. And I had experienced good luck at Jerry’s in the past. Once while I was eating lunch a newly-licensed teenage driver in her brand-new BMW lost control and crashed straight through the front of the restaurant. I jumped out of the way, and her car absolutely demolished the booth where I had been sitting. Miraculously (and luckily!) no one was hurt.

       Sure enough, as I started eating at Jerry’s again my luck turned around, to the point where I was McShea’s top-producing broker for the fourth quarter of last year.

      People like Bill, Jenn and the rest of the staff are what make this country great. Working at Jerry’s is the kind of job people often make fun of – or use to threaten their children. Did your parents ever tell you if you didn’t go to college you would end up asking people, “Do you want fries with that?” But these employees show up and do their jobs with a great attitude and a smile, all while working for a better life for their kids. They take pride in what they do and genuinely care about their customers. They are my idea of an American success story.

       I recommend you visit Bill, Jenn and the rest of the staff at the Jerry’s on Quince Orchard Road. I don’t know whether your luck will change, but at the very least you’ll get some great service and great food. (Try the tuna salad!)

Have a great weekend,

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