Thursday, December 2, 2010


        “Ro’s Words of Encouragement” originated as a weekly e-mail message designed to inspire people to get through the difficult economic times we faced over the last few years. Gradually it has shifted to focus on encouraging and inspiring people in all aspects of their lives. I am still distributing it via e-mail, but now I am expanding into a blog as well.

        Through my background in college football as a player and coach, and my experiences as a top-producing commercial real estate broker, I offer a unique background and perspective for my readers. I will share with you resources from all of the people I have had the privilege to work with in both professions. From the colorful coaching tales and the stressful world of corporate America you will gain the insight and perspective to help you adjust your attitude, elevate yourself, feel better mentally and physically, laugh, cry, and reflect. I guarantee you won’t regret it. 

        As a coach I once recruited a young man from inner-city Baltimore. His family and friends threw a big party at his apartment to celebrate when he signed on to come play football at our school. The centerpiece of the celebration was a cake, which had a wonderful message written on it. 

        That simple message has remained one of my favorites, and is the first “word of encouragement” I will share with you here:

“Don’t stop ‘til you hit the top!”


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